Our Ongoing Partnerships

Gateway maintains relationships with a number of different programs in various global locations. If you’re from a country outside the U.S. and are interested in partnering with Gateway’s expert faculty and students to solve business and community needs, please contact Chinedu Obowu, International Education Coordinator at obowuc@cqkaisi.com or 262-564-2505.


VIDA (Volunteers for Inter-American Development Assistance) provides support for people in need in Latin America. Their top priority is to provide medical supplies and services to those with the greatest need. Open to Nursing, Dental, and Veterinary Technician program students.

Moroccan Partnership

Gateway’s ongoing relationship with Morocco began with two Higher Education Department (HED) grants with partner school, Ecole Superieire de Technologie d’Oujda, Morocco. Gateway led a successful implementation of an unprecedented automotive facility at Universite’ Mohammed I Oujda/Ecole Superieure de Technologie (EST) in Morocco with partners around the nation and is now working with Moroccan agencies to expand the energy sector and model Career and Technical Education generally.

After an initial 6-month planning grant to support the creation of a long-term partnership to strengthen the capacity of Broader Middle East and North Africa (BMENA) partner institutions through the promotion of entrepreneurship, Gateway and its partners moved ahead on a $450,000 grant project.


In partnership with the nonprofit organization, Peacework, Gateway has made a long-term commitment to assist the community of Orange Walk in Belize in its sustainable community building efforts. This service-learning program is periodically offered to students in the Horticulture, Information Technology, Nursing, Early Childhood Education, Dental and Physical Therapy. Students will work with local colleges to provide education to primary school students and faculty as well as working on community programs like community gardens, health clinics, and upgrades to IT infrastructure.

Hessen Exchange

Gateway formed a partnership with Kaufmännische Schulen Hanau in Hanau, Germany (KS-Hanau) during the 2002-03 school year, focusing on:

  • Promotion of intercultural understanding, business practice and working methods
  • Broadening the horizons of KS-Hanau apprentices and instructors, and Gateway students and instructors
  • Collaboration in the process of curriculum development
  • Project-based student/faculty exchanges

Since the formation of the partnership, students from KS-Hanau have visited Gateway annually and in 2007 the first group of Gateway students traveled to Hanau.  Gateway students now travel annually to Hanau and participate in hands-on project-based learning with KS-Hanau students.